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SOAS, University of London

SOAS University of London is the only higher education institution in Europe specialising in the study of Asia, Africa and the Middle East. It is a global academic base with the highest concentration of experts focusing on these regions in Europe.

Our scholars grapple with pressing issues – from democracy, development, human rights and identity to legal systems, poverty, religion and social change. Crucially, our experts critique the world from the perspective of our regions to provide in-depth and informed analysis on some of the most challenging issues in our time.

SOAS is also a guardian of specialised knowledge in languages and regions not available anywhere else in the UK. The SOAS Library is one of the most important resources for the study of Asia, Africa and the Middle East as well as our Archives and Special Collections which document British interaction with Africa and Asia over the last 250 years.

In a world where globalisation works to shrinks borders, but where nationalism, difference and regionalism also present themselves acutely, SOAS is distinctively positioned to analyse, understand and explain.


Displaying 41 - 60 of 361 articles

Fossil fuel investors can use an obscure legal mechanism found in many international trade agreements to sue countries if their projects are blocked. curraheeshutter via Shutterstock

A secretive legal system lets fossil fuel investors sue countries over policies to keep oil and gas in the ground – podcast

Experts are concerned that a legal mechanism called investor-state dispute settlement could affect countries’ moves to cut fossil fuel emissions. Listen to The Conversation Weekly.
Giving greater visibility to paralympic sports is only part of what is needed to make inclusivity a reality for all. HelloWorld Images | Alamy

London 2012’s legacy boosted Paralympic sport, but disabled people’s lives have worsened

Mega-events like the Olympics have the potential to start important conversations around societal change. But improving the lives of disabled people takes much more than that.


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